Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Return


There I was, watchin my ONE show, when I noticed some loud background noise...moving swiftly to the foreground.

While we were watching American Idol, Kaia went to the bathroom and grabbed her stool, put it in the middle of the room, stood on it and started singing. She was Auditioning for AI!!! How the time I pulled the camera out she was through. I had to convince her to sing one more song for me. AH! Don't we all wish we had a camera connected through our would do away with the phrase: "You had to be there." had to be there!


Wondering about that hat? It's Genuine Russian,

and my Dad wears it. He would fit right in over there.

Jared says he looks like a, we won't tell jason when he's older.

OuR LITTLE BathIng BEauTy...?

We all KnoW Every KID has thEir own QUirkS! Well...My LITTLE BoY liKes To tAkE hiS baTh in ThE KitCHen SinK...That OR he liKEs to ScReam (not kidding) wHEn He is IN the Tub! oH wEll...At leAst we BatHe hiM!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Oh tHe WeaTheR OutSidE is:


ThE Location: Gladstan Golf Course

Plotting the sledding run. We moved away from the Christmas Day crouds and made our own. What the Roberts do best, look out here we come.

The "Men," All snuggled together

And the rest of us...

Nephew Tate, "Yum!" ......
"Ooh, is Cold"

Kaia thinks it's yum too.

Tate and Kaia, preparing for their own kid made run! Seriously, they did this themselves.

Jared and Kaia, (bro) Marc and Tate

Us girsies.

Fam Pics Winter 07

Q: WhY dO PhOtoGraPheRs sNap a MiLLioN PiCs dUriNg oNe sEssioN?

A: BecAusE iT's MiSSioN ImPoSSibLe to GeT bOth KiDs to LoOk aNd SmiLe aT tHe SamE tiMe!

Late Chirstmas Pics.

We don't have many pictures that turned out well...cause SOMEONE wouldn't hold still!
None the less, we had a fab Christmas! P.S. Must have for parents with small kids: Fisher Price Nativity set. Lets them play along with the story, without wrecking anything.