Jason Kali'i Hoyt
May 29, 2007
dubbed: J - Jman - J Bird - J Birdie - Bubba - Jubbs - Jubby - Jason Bourne
Our Lump of Goodness!!
We celebrated a little different this year, with Jared's family in AZ.
They say 1 year old's don't really know what a present is and maybe the aren't really interested...Well our Jubbs was. He LOVEd his new truck, ball and doogers (stuffed tiger. OUr son likes things stuffed...hopefully not a precursor for the future!)

And the Cake. Yeah. He LOVED the cake too.
Now you know where he got some of his nick-names!

Ode to my Bubbs:
Our chubby, flubby, bubby
Who's bum wears a huggie
It's great that you can play
by yourself all day!
You're content, happy and...full
No tantrums you have yet to pull.
We love the way you growl
When it's into our foreheads you plow
You have eyes that could captivate
And a body made to intimidate
You arrived and we said,
"Who is this?"
You're blonde, white
and we might have the same size fists.
You're our gentle GIANT and
We're glad you came our way.
You make most days bright and cheery!
It'd be cool if you talked like Bobby Flay!!
loves loves loves to my bubbs.