Monday, March 16, 2009

A moment in a Mothers life

When one becomes a parent, it's apparent certain events will occur.  
You have but to wonder when and where.
Thursday, February 26th, was one such day for one mother.
Although it looks like a load of hair, the damaging effects weren't as noticeable as the evidence. 
A few "Oh!  How sad that makes me!" and "Oh!  You look like a boy!" hopefully cured the itch to ever snip snip again. 


The Good Life said...

You have to show us the end you just have gum in the hair to look forward to! ha ha we love that girl of yours!

Mindy said...

Noo!!! Oh man. I dread this day! Our scissors are all kept so high that I almost have to get a stool to reach them myself. But I know it's coming.....