Monday, April 13, 2009

Numero four.

Goodness.  With this chick, however, four doesn't seem old enough.
As always on birthdays, what ever she says goes.
No pictures of her choice activity, which was Chuck E. Cheeses
 with her cousin Tate.  They had fun while 
Mom and Dad said, "Great. Now that we know what it's like, we never have to do it again." 
Choice dinner meal:  Ice cream.  
Happy Birthday, live it up!

Notice the red nightgown (large T-shirt) in the above picture.  
Notice the new, pink nightgown in the below picture.
She was happy about that, and so was I.  Much more decent.
Plus, so much blood, sweat and 'aarrgghhs' went into the making 
of that pink perfection.

The birthday singing and cake celebration went down at the Farm.

It came, it went, we loved it.   On to the next one.
Thank you everyone who helped make it memorable!


The1stdaughter said...

I still can't believe she is that old! I remember when she was first born in the ward at BYU. Time flies!

Tiff said...

Wow your little Kaia is 4! She is so cute.