Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Chickens anyone?

Lucky Us!
Their arrival came to the Post-office just in time for Easter.  
Believe you me, the came in this little tiny box, some-at around ~23~ of them.
Kaia got to go with Tutu to pick them up.  She was Ex-cite-ed!  She held one on her lap the whole car ride home.  And yes, the aftermath left poop on her pants.  
Poor little frightened chick.
I couldn't believe they came in this cargo.  If I was an animal rights activist...

Oh but those kids, they loved it.  And so did I.
Jason did pretty well not to squeeze the insides out of the poor unfortunates 
selected for him to momentarily love.

Note:  They grow F-A-S-T.  And they S-T-I-N-K!


The1stdaughter said...

You and my parents think alike. They just finished building their chicken coup for the bunch of chicks they got this year.

Amber said...

that is so great! and perfect timing with Easter and all!